Feminine Alchemy

Unearthing the Ancient Wisdom Within 

Welcome sister,

to the sacred space, where the work has already begun.

The work we are here to do of exploring the women’s wheel, remembering, rewilding and recalling our ancestral wisdom. Returning to yourself, the land and the sisterhood you have been seeking. This is where we uncover the Women’s Mysteries, honouring one another at each threshold and surrendering to the cyclical nature of womanhood.

Wherever you are in your life – Maiden, Mother, Priestess or Crone, this is where you come into your own. Discovering the sovereign feminine and answering the call of ancient intuition.

Now is the time to take back your power


wild woman’s alchemy

Unearthing and awakening the essence of sacred femininity

Uncover the Women’s Mysteries, honouring one another at each threshold and surrendering to the cyclical nature of womanhood.


Rewilding Birth


Dive deeper into a holistic approach to pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Start a journey through the labyrinth, the unfolding and unlearning, harnessing your authority and reclaiming your birth choices.


Mama Temple


Mama Temple is about owning and embodying the archetype, mothering with grace, beauty and self-acceptance. It’s a breathing, a healing from our own childhood experiences, our children are our teachers and we are their medicine.

Birth Keeper, Ancestral Mentor, Truth Speaker, Wisdom Facilitator, Paradigm Shifter.

Walk with me

My work is to walk with you side by side as you answer the yearning, the learning, the returning. Here is where you reconnect to yourself - allow things to stem, expect things to spiral. I am right here, holding space, hand in hand, guiding you as you move into wholeness, embracing the art of alchemy. Journeying back to the heartland, where you belong. This path has been walked by wise women throughout the world and now it is waiting for you. I have walked it too.




A membership created to explore the Women’s Mysteries. Uncovering the archetypal Goddess and the gateways of Maiden, Mother, Priestess and Crone.

herstory: THE Podcast

the sound of sisterhood

Herstory the podcast offers a place for conscious souls to gather. A dedicated portal to honour the ancient ways of the feminine, a reclamation and celebration of all that we are.

As seen-in

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